Sometimes it is worth putting pen to paper!


As all of my clients know I am true fan of Balsamiq. I find it a really easy to way to experiment and play with ideas. I particularly like to to share the desktop version with a colleague and brain storm different ideas with them. Which I can then easily mock up in detail later. Many of these would just look like a set of random boxes to anyone else but in the context of live discussion it can be extremely useful.

One day last year I was browsing through the Balsamiq website and I came to the conclusion that their website didn’t do justice to this level of usefulness I feel. So seeing as he is an approachable sort of chap I wrote to Peldi the CEO giving him my thoughts. I was blown away when he and Mike got back in touch. We had a bit of brainstorming session and put together the seeds of the idea partly using one of my other favourite bits of brain storming software: Trello!

I was so pleased to see the Champions Blog come to life last month. I am already enjoying reading it and proud to have had a role in it’s start.

So get on over to the Champions Blog and see how people are putting Balsamiq to use in very different ways.

P.s. the graphic is one of the Balsamiq diagrams a recent redesign of the website (still not live) I was involved with. This was free project for a valuable opensource project. There is a good Balsamiq tale to tell about that project which I will leave for another day.

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